Friday, August 01, 2008

Guess where...

the coolest public library (that I've been to lately) is. The Moorish themed art deco tower is a hint.


Anonymous said...

No idea, but I'm terrible at that sort of thing. That's a wild looking library.

Anonymous said...

Unless that hint meant you were in Spain or some other place associated with moors.

Anonymous said...

I think I know where you have been, Mr. Booth! Were you in Minneapolis?! Persia? Wait, wait, Los Angeles' downtown public library. Yes?? Are you a world traveler?

kevin said...


Why yes, I am a world traveler, of sorts. I neglected to detail the extensive rule listing in the post, but those who grew up in LA are not eligible to 'guess' and that menas YOU.

kevin said...


Spain cast its collective cultural net on a fairly large portion of the globe, including Los Angeles.

LA is the home of the best grouping of art deco architecture I've ever seen. IMHO one of the wonders of the world.

Paulette said...

How did you know I was from Los Angeles? I guess the jig is up. Fade to blue, as Kevin says wryly, "It's a dark night in a city that knows how to keep it's secrets, but one woman keeps searching for the answers to life's most persistent questions: Girl Noir."